We’re thrilled to announce that Karrot and Wonky Star are teaming up to bring the wonderful world of the Night Zookeeper to life!
Night Zookeeper is an educational game that inspires children to create their own characters to live in a magical, nocturnal world. It’s full of drawing, writing and creativity games for kids, and has been optimised for tablets for use in schools and at home. It’s been credited as encouraging school children to let their imaginations run wild and spark that creative writing buzz as they write, read and draw their way around the Night Zoo, becoming publishers of their own creative ideas.
“I love what the guys at Night Zookeeper are doing and I thought that Karrot, who are perhaps the most exciting up and coming animation company in the UK right now, would be the perfect home for their amazingly rich story world,” says Howard Litton, who orchestrated the partnership between Wonky Star and Karrot.
Using ToonBoom, we’re creating an exciting minute long musical introduction to the world and it’s characters. Get ready to meet stealthy giraffes, time traveling elephants, and to visit the mountain in the sky! Are you ready to visit the zoo?